interactive wood machines
Bernie Lubell As visitors work together to animate the mechanisms, they create a theatre for themselves and each other. By encouraging participation, and touch the pieces coax visitors to engage their bodies as well as their minds. The way that pieces move and feel and sound as you rock them, pedal, crank and press against them applies the kinesthetic comprehension's of childhood to the tasks of philosophy.


UPCOMING: "Aspirations" will be at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco from 6 June 2024 to 20 October 2024

- The best introduction to my work are two short videos:
- Six Interactive Installations (2003-2021) in 6 minutes:

- and Thirteen Participatory Installations (2021-1991) in 14 minutes

- 60 short Videos at Vimeo
- A YouTube channel
- my Autodesk talk, 23 Feb 2016
- A talk at UC Berkeley For LASER, Feb, 2014

- "Double Doubt" resulted from a residency at Technorama in Switzerland in October 2021

- Two Interactive pdf books about my work that you can download: Intimacy, Entanglement & Doubt and The 2nd Story: a Twice Failed Tale in Acrobat go to View/Page Display/Two Page View

Other Links --

- "Aspirations" with measuring how much and how long participants pulled their cord for more air was at Chico State in 2019

- "Sufficient Latitude" was part of the 6th Guangzhou Triennial
Guangzhou, China - 21 December 2018 - 10 March 2019

- "Theory of Entanglement" was part of "Contraptions: Rediscovering California Jewish Artists" -- closed 29 July 2018. A "a short video" and
an "interview" courtesy of the CJM.

- "Somewhat in Doubt" - my Autodesk residency-- Nov 2015 -- And an interview about how this piece came about.
- "Up in the Air" -- a solo show at Southern Exposure Gallery -- Closed in June 2015
- "Why Can't the First Part of the Second Party be the Second Part of the First Party?" --at The Intersection for the Arts -- Closed June 2014
- "Party of the First Part" was in the Exit/Via Festivals in France in 2012


- Show Archives from Ars Electronica, FACT, v2 preview, v2 archive, v2 interview, Exit/Via,

- Interview with Gerry Cupchik, U of Toronto psychologist, on "Imagination"

- An overview from my Artadia Award

website partly updated June, 2023